As a business owner in North Carolina, there’s many things you need to account for in order to maximize revenue and generate large profit lines. Employee salaries, day-to-day operating costs, cost of goods, and other overhead expenses all affect your bottom line. The price you’re paying for electricity to power your North Carolina business can also affect your company’s bottom line and impact its success.

UGI EnergyLink is an affordable commercial electric service in North Carolina. Our pricing options give business owners the flexibility to choose what works best for their company and allows you to better budget for the future.

Advantages of UGI EnergyLink’s Commercial Electric Service

We own reliability. You own better prices. This is our mantra. When you choose UGI EnergyLink as your commercial electric service provider, we optimize the combined use of our own electricity generation and the broader PJM Power Pool—suppling the most reliable and cost-effective electricity to your facility.

Our commercial electric service is available for a variety of North Carolina industries and properties, including:

  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Fitness Centers
  • Banks
  • Retail Stores
  • Convenience Stores
  • Office buildings
  • Real estate
  • Local organizations (e.g. YMCA)
  • Health facilities
  • Salons
  • Schools and universities
  • Parks, stadiums, and public facilities
  • Golf courses and country clubs

As an electricity provider in North Carolina, our commercial electric service is:

  • Affordable – choose a pricing option that fits your company and allows you to budget for the future.
  • Reliable – our commercial electric services are coordinated through PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission organization that coordinates the delivery of wholesale electricity in all parts of North Carolina—from Boone to Wilmington, Charlotte to Nags Head.
  • Easy – enrolling in our commercial electric service has never been easier for you. Click here to make the switch!

Commercial Electricity Pricing Options Available in NC

Pricing Option #1 – Fixed Pricing

With a fixed pricing option from UGI EnergyLink, you pay a set price for electricity per kilowatt hour each month, regardless of the current market prices. Your monthly price is determined based on market prices when you first enroll, and never vary based on market conditions until your contract expires. This option is great for Ohio school districts and universities because it allows you to lock in an affordable electric price for a set period of time—for a few months or even more than a year! No matter what size business you own, you can rely on a UGI EnergyLink’s fixed pricing option for affordable commercial electricity prices. This option is ideal for schools or colleges on a strict budget.

Pricing Option #2 – Variable Pricing

If you choose to enroll in our variable pricing option for commercial electricity, you can take advantage of lowering market rates. This gives you more flexibility when planning your monthly budget since you may pay a different amount per kilowatt hour of electricity consumption each month. This option is ideal for larger businesses and corporations that can accept some level of price risk to take advantage of market pricing.

Enroll Your NC Business in Our Commercial Electric Service

Contact us today or fill out our simple enrollment form to switch your North Carolina business to our commercial electric service.

Make the switch today!